I have also been working on my Jack in the box spring, i took some serious notes from Alan and was able to remake the spring he demonstrated. A few things to add here is that the texture is temporary at the moment, it is comprised of a projected U ramp shader, wrapped around the object in a cylindrical manner, but as the spring will be moving i had to create a texture reference object to keep the texture from morphing. I'm not sure if i will use this texture like i said but for the moment it is allowing me to check that everything is working correctly. It has also been the firs time that i have used ncloth in Maya to get the material effect that i wanted. When i had imagined my jack in the box springing out, i had imagined the cloth around the spring stretching, but just as it stretches it would also need to fold and 'wobble' before it goes back inside. The preference setting for this effect that, at the moment is working OK, is 'chiffon'.

Alan suggested to create shapes and parent them to my joints so allow a quicker less memory consuming preview of what my spring is doing and so the above imge is showing this.
I will hopefully spend tomorrow binding my dancer, and finish off my jack in the box's rig enabling me to bind jack on sunday. Today im off to work til late - gr.
Okay - below is a list of the first year blogs; I suggest you follow them and their progress; they're a nice sociable bunch and they're going to need your help and experience as they enter Unit 3 'Tableau Vivant' - their first go at bringing Maya into their creative project... go introduce yourselves!
ReplyDeleteDave at http://www.rattie-dave.blogspot.com
Earl at http://yesmynameisearl.blogspot.com
Ruben at http://rubensblogpage.blogspot.com
Charlotte at http://thelastearthangel.blogspot.com
Matt at http://www.hyland255.blogspot.com
Farideh at www.faz-hamoni.blogspot.com
Sam at http://samhayes101.blogspot.com
Simon at http://simon-watts.blogspot.com
Jordan at http://www.jordanbuckner.blogspot.com
Jack at http://nosnevetskcaj.blogspot.com/
Chris S’ at http://cgartunit1.blogspot.com/
Matt at http://mattymunday.blogspot.com/
Ethan at http://aflockofpixels.blogspot.com/
Dan at http://dbrightba.blogspot.com/
Shafi at http://redartideas.blogspot.com/
Leo at http://ltsang.blogspot.com/
Jolanta at http://jolantasketch.blogspot.com/
Richard at http://richard-vc.blogspot.com/
Elliot at http://ellymac.blogspot.com/
Carl at http://cbarrett1985.blogspot.com/
John at http://jonnybone.blogspot.com/
Sean at http://seaku.blogspot.com/
Adam at http://acbailey88.blogspot.com/
Ethan at http://www.ethanclements.blogspot.com/
Godwin at http://godwin-o.blogspot.com/
Kin at http://kinseye.blogspot.com/
Bharathi at www.bharathianthonysamy.blogspot.com/
Barry at http://bpressland.blogspot.com/
Aj at http://ajuj12.blogspot.com/
Alex at http://anwmn.blogspot.com/
Jade at http://jadetm17.blogspot.com/
Bob at http://bobstrife.blogspot.com/
Laura at http://www.psychofreakcg.blogspot.com/
Baja at http://firstforeverything.blogspot.com/
Benja at http://gbengaalake1.blogspot.com
Shahbir at http://shubtastic.blogspot.com/
Julian at http://julianuca.blogspot.com/
Chris G’ at http://chrisguillon.blogspot.com/
Richard B’ at http://rbazeley.blogspot.com/