I think i will hopefully be able to do the final grouping tomorrow, but i do want to get my character checked by Alan beforehand so that i don't start animating then end up having a problem with something that i could have sorted out earlier.
Below are some images of how the ncloth is working.
- I selected the arm geometry and then chose ndynamics - nmesh - create ncloth
- Then reselected the arm and also the main spring geometry as this is what was previously causing weird problems and chose 'exclude collide pairs' from the ncloth - nconstraint menu. This stopped the arm interferring with the spring.
- I transform constrained the vertices's on either end of the arm from the nconstraint menu - transform.
- After doing this the arm stayed put, sagging in the middle behaving normally.
- I then placed some objects within the arm. A sphere for the elbow and two edited cylinders to keep the arms shape and parented them to the joints.
- After they had been modified and fit the arm i selected the arm geometry and then the object and then chose nmesh - create passive collider. This then told the arm geometry not to pass through and treat them as solid objects.
- I did a few tests, moving the arm and watching the nmesh to make sure it was still behaving normally and it all worked perfectly.

I also added a few custom controls to my character. (obviously apart from the obvious controls on the arms and hands and fingers)
My lid only has an 'open_close' control that i linked to the rotate z channel using the connection editor, i also did a similar thing for the winder on the side of the box giving it only a 'turn' control (no transltaes/rotates or scales)
I also created a main body spring control that i gave a 'sqash' attribute and also a 'lean L to R' (left to right) and a 'lean f t b' (fron to back) allowing me to move Jack in all directions allowing me to squash and stretch at the same time.
For the blend shapes i created a 'happy' 'sad' 'angry' 'suprised' 'left EB lift' (eyebrow) and a 'right EB lift'. I created a control shape above Jacks head for this. Emily also suggested that i make a few blank blend shapes that i can link up so that if i need to add another expression i have some spares to edit, so i also have two spare heads.

congratulations on solving your 'n-cloth' dilemma! You seemed very positive when I saw you today - you see, bugging Alan really works :-)