After speaking with Alan today i realised that i had maybe focused to much on the idea that the toys just fell in love, rather then there being any particular reason for this love - there is no purpose. I think this may be why i have been struggling to kill off one of the characters (so to speak) as with one gone, life would still continue. I need to find an ending to this love rather than just a separation.
I have already decided in my earlier posts that the toys are all going to be the vintage era, wind up toys etc and so Alan suggested, going back to my earlier theme of the jewellery box dancer, and considering similar options. For instance to love could depend on there being a pair. One of the characters may need to be wound up to be able to move, and so taking one of the characters away would not only be a separation but an entire ending to something that will never be again.
I need to think of this dependency and purpose thoroughly to ensure my storyline is as strong as possible.

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