Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Further ideas development

Still working on my story line and plot, i decided to get some books out that were about vintage and clockwork toys from the past. There was an incredible amount of books available actually but from the few i did take out, i have found bundles and bundles of information. The colour and tone of all of the old toys have lent themselves to developing my ideas for this project and allowed me to stop myself from creating not quite true to life toys.

I have had the idea that the shop may be a collectors store and have considered that you may become aware of this due to makers stamps on the toys hands or clothes - not just the fact that the toys are all obviously from a certain time period.

As i had been thinking about using this clockwork wind up theme i was very pleased to see masses of clockwork toys of almost everything. I had been thinking that instead of using a jewellery box dancer to use and dancer on a box of some kind and found that this had been done to some toys. This is an advantage for me as i didn't want to make up toys that didn't exist plus i would have previous styles to look at to create a ore accurate representation.

I do not want to copy a design in anyway but i want to keep within the time period.

A name for some of these wind up toys is: Autoperipatetikos

Going through the books that i got out, i highlighted some of the pages that i felt would help me. What i was mainly looking out for was a style of doll that was not quite the same as Svankmajer - by this i mean they were not as 'creepy' and of a softer appearance than his, so that when i compare her to the clown she does look entirely different. I am not near a scanner at the moment but as soon as i am im going to scan in the images that have helped and start to use these to create character boards, to really help define my characters.

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