An update:
I have now finally finished animating my two characters, I'm just composing some sound effects to go with the opening sequence to the animation as at the moment i am still using temporary sounds as fillers so please disregard when looking at edited play blast below. The running order is all organised now and i have a render list for each camera.
The only problem i have had is that mental ray will not work on my home computer so i will start the final rendering when we start back on Monday. I hope to have all the sounds gathered by then anyway and by using my edited play blasts i will be able to just swap the rendered frames in. I have also thought about a CD disc cover which is below, and also given my animation a title - finally - its usually the first thing i do when it comes to a project but i just couldn't think. Ive decided to call it 'Boundaries' with the end credits re showing the title but including the text 'love holds no.. boundaries' (all shown below) The only problem that i have ( other than the mental ray) is that i have gone way over in time again. At present its too long although I'm not sure how to go about axing parts. This will be on the top of my list of questions when we start back, or feel free to comment now.
The ncltoh has been turned off in the entire play blast for obvious reasons and none of the objects have been smoothed so please excuse its appearance. Although the ncloth has already been cached throughout the whole animation. I have also included some quick renders as most of the scene is in darkness which obviously does not come across in a play blast. The two characters are in spotlight the majority of the time. Once again this is not a mental ray render :(

I am quite concerned as the snow seems to be staying for a while and i really really need to be able to render via uni as mental ray does not work for me here - is there any possiblity of coming in and setting up renders even if the uni is closed to students or does shut mean shut to everyone no matter what? im stressing. And since starting this blog post (2 days ago) i have tried to upload my playblast video and it wont have it - spends days saying uploading and nothing happens.The shadows are still not working as they are blocky and pixellated and i need to sort this our when on a pc that has mental ray. HELP
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