Saturday, 16 January 2010


After i re cached the spring for a third time (2nd time using ncache instead of geometry cache) and reloaded the cache into my scene it would allow me to render :)

I managed to set up four PCs to render over the weekend, which is almost all of the shots but the shot_cam_1, and then its just the other four cameras, all of which don't have a number larger to render than about 500, one even has a total of 149 frames to render so Monday morning i will come in and set up some new renders, return before uni closes and set up the remaining renders for overnight, so by Tuesday morning i will have all of my full set of completed renders - if nothing goes wrong that is!

Thank you to Phil, Alan and Tom for helping with the situation!

1 comment:

  1. No worries, Heather - it's our job to take good care of our third years - we want you to be be brilliant! Fingers crossed re. the rendering; because it's crit week, I'm not in on Monday; if there's any problems, get Jackie to give me a call to contact you etc. I'm sure, however, everything will be fine and dandy...
