Friday, 15 January 2010


After setting up two PCs to ncache and not geometry cache the spring ncloth, for some reason this morning when looking at them both they have cached but at the wrong speed. The spring still squashes and stretches but out of time with when it should. I have no idea why this is but i will ask Alan as soon as he become available.

I did however set up two other PCs to render, one of which managed to get from frame 184 to 889 from 6.30pm yesterday to today and is still rendering now, so that's a bonus however i need sections from it right up until 5604.

I also set up another pc to render the end frames of my scene which took an hour and forty minutes to start the render (19:40 rendering started) and then finished at 01:32 this morning. That was for only 500 frames. So theoretically it can render 500 frames in five hours meaning that to render the 6000 frames i need collectively from the separate camera set ups, it should take approximately 60 hours - meaning that if i get this silly ncache to work properly and render on five PCs over the weekend and into Monday, by Tuesday morning it will have all rendered. OF course a few of the pcs will only need to render a few frames and so they would probably be finished before monday, and assuming that i can use the pcs in DM1 i could also render using more pcs further cutting down my render time and ensuring that i have it done by monday.

IF the ncache works.

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